
West Seattle
High School
Counseling Center



欢迎来到yzc888亚洲城网页版. We are so excited to have you join the Wildcat Community. 在线注册功能仅适用于当前yzc888亚洲城官网(SPS)的学生. For all other Non-Seattle Public School Students (i.e. 私立学校和州外学校). 请在下面找到你的“小组”,并使用附件完成你的课程要求.

如果你不打算参加今年秋天的WSHS, 请让您指定的WSHS辅导员知道您想要撤销您的注册.

Introduction to Course Registration for SPS High Schools 2024-2025


Math & 科学课程修正

New Students

即将到来的SPS九年级学生 2024-25学年.

Class Registration deadline for Incoming 9th Graders: April 26th by 4pm.


  • 4月12日-如果家庭在2024-25学年被分配到yzc888亚洲城网页版,他们将收到通知
  • April 17th – Online registration for incoming new students opens.
  • 4月17日-辅导员将参观Boren STEM K-8, Pathfinder, and Denny Middle schools to introduce registration
  • April 18th – Counselors will visit Madison Middle school to introduce registration
  • April 26th – Online Registration for all new students closes
  • 开学第一天,9月4日星期三:时间表将在The Source上向家庭提供

You can log into your Source page to register for classes online. Please review these registration materials beforehand:


**Non-SPS Students are defined as students who do not currently attend an SPS school. 这些学生目前就读于私立学校或学区外或另一个州/国家的学校


常见问题 整理自我们的九年级网络研讨会:

  1. For people in HCC classes, does that carry over into high school?
    Yes- you will have the option to take advanced classes at WSHS as well
  2. 我申请了别的工作, 但是因为面试还没有开始,我不知道我是否被录取了——我还应该报名上课吗?
    Yes- please go ahead and sign up for classes at WSHS to ensure your spot
  3. 今年某些课程(如高中数学和世界语言)的学分是如何计算的?
  4. 你会演奏音乐会乐队和爵士乐队吗?
    Yes. Concert Band is open to anyone and Jazz Band is audition-only. For more information on WSHS music programs and tryouts visit www.wshsmusic.org
  5. 我大一必须选健康和体育吗?
    Yes. 唯一的例外是,如果你计划同时学习乐队/管弦乐队和一门世界语言,因为你的日程安排中没有时间
  6. 对于在中学学习了2年以上世界语言的学生,我们是否从高中的第2级开始?
    That is up to you. 通常,在MS中学习了2年世界语言的学生准备在高中开始学习2级, but you also have the opportunity to start again at Level 1. 我们鼓励你和你现在的世界语言老师谈谈,听听他们对你从第2级开始的准备情况的反馈.
  7. Do I need a teacher recommendation to get into Honors?
    No, 此时,我们的课程提供嵌入式荣誉课程,您可以在学年开始时通过您的老师选择荣誉课程. 你不需要单独注册荣誉课程或获得老师的推荐
  8. 我可以放弃体育学分吗?
    .个人健身课程需修5学分. 你可以免去额外的1美元.如果你参加WSHS的一项运动或学校以外的其他俱乐部运动(一项运动的一个赛季= 0学分.5 credit waived)
  9. How many years of World Language are required for graduation?
    世界语言不是毕业所必需的,但是,它是大学入学所必需的. Colleges will expect two years of the same consecutive language (so, for example, 西班牙语1和2(不是西班牙语1和中文1)

即将到来的SPS 10年级,11年级或12年级学生 2024-2025学年.

To register for classes online please review these registration materials beforehand:

你必须在5月10日前完成注册, 2024 or your courses will be randomly selected for you. 

如果你目前是 Non-SPS student (i.e. private school, out of district, or out of state), welcome to yzc888亚洲城网页版 from the Counseling Team!!  对于在2024-25学年加入我们的家庭,我们的注册流程如下:


您可以在我们的 Course Catalog

Graduation Checklist

For Current WSHS Students

Current 9th, 10th, yzc888亚洲城网页版11年级的学生将于2月份开始在线课程注册. Please visit your current grade-level tab below and follow the instructions to begin the registration process.


Counselors are available during lunch in the Commons from February 7th-28th. Students are welcome to drop by for any individual questions or graduation audits.


现为9年级(2027届) 会为他们的大二选课吗. 以下是帮助您选择课程的文档. A reminder that these are not required to submit to your counselor. 简单地说,它们是帮助您完成2024-25学年课程注册的工具.

Online registration will take place on The Source:

  1. First, log into The Source.
  2. 在左侧菜单上,点击“注册”.
  3. 选择您的课程选项. Be sure to reference the option sheet you’ve completed or the 注册教程视频.

Please have your registration completed by Wednesday, February 28th. 如果你没有在截止日期前选择课程,你的辅导员将为你选择课程. 

现为10年级学生(2026届) 将为他们的大三选择课程. 以下是帮助您选择课程的文档. A reminder that these are not required to submit to your counselor. 简单地说,它们是帮助您完成2024-25学年课程注册的工具.

Online registration will take place on The Source:

  1. First, log into The Source.
  2. 在左侧菜单上,点击“注册”.
  3. 选择您的课程选项. Be sure to reference the option sheet you’ve completed or the 注册教程视频.

Please have your registration completed by Wednesday, February 28th. 如果你没有在截止日期前选择课程,你的辅导员将为你选择课程. 

现为11年级(2025届) 将为他们的高年级选择课程. 以下是帮助您选择课程的文档. A reminder that these are not required to submit to your counselor. 简单地说,它们是帮助您完成2024-25学年课程注册的工具.

Online registration will take place on The Source:

  1. First, log into The Source.
  2. 在左侧菜单上,点击“注册”.
  3. 选择您的课程选项. Be sure to reference the option sheet you’ve completed or the 注册教程视频.

Please have your registration completed by Wednesday, February 28th. 如果你没有在截止日期前选择课程,你的辅导员将为你选择课程. 


你对跑步开始感兴趣吗?  Check out our 运行开始信息. 在上面,你会发现你在西西雅图和西雅图学院需要采取的所有步骤.

If you’re planning following through with Running Start you’ll need to first completely 在西西雅图注册, you’ll then attend an orientation on April 30th where you will learn next steps. 如果你想让我们给你发一张通行证和电子邮件提醒你入学,请在这里注册.

你对技能中心感兴趣吗?  Check out the 技能中心网站 for more info. 一定要看看他们的夏季和全年的选择.

Use this form to show your interest and you will be notified when applications open.


Special Education students should complete the online registration if they are SPS students. Non-SPS students with Special Education services will complete the registration.

English Learner (EL) students should complete the online registration if they are SPS students. 使用EL服务的非sps学生将填写纸质注册选项表,并将填好的表格通过电子邮件发送给指定的WSHS辅导员.

Honors classesyzc888亚洲城网页版在一些核心学术领域提供9年级和10年级的荣誉课程. As we come into alignment with the other SPS high schools, how we offer honors in grade 9 and 10 is changing in some content areas. The option for honors will be available and embedded in most Language Arts, World History, and Math courses.

Math placements are determined by 8th grade courses: If your student is taking 8th Grade Math, they will register for Algebra 1; Algebra 1 students should register for Geometry; Geometry students should register for Algebra 2.

健康及个人健身: All 9th grade students take 健康及个人健身.

Jazz Band is offered 0-period. Mr. 托马斯将与感兴趣的学生联系. 如果您有任何问题,请发邮件给Mr. Thomas at etthomas1@therebelsoul.net.

World Language: If you are choosing the first year of any world language, please list an alternate language on the alternate elective line.

yzc888亚洲城网页版全年调度的重要策略yzc888亚洲城网页版的学生在春季注册下一年的课程. 两个学期的课程都是在这个时候选择的. Students will remain with the same teacher for the full year in yearlong courses. Students should choose courses carefully as schedule changes are extremely limited.


No, 它们是帮助你弄清楚剩下的毕业要求和帮助你选择明年的课程的工具


Yes, 一旦所有的信息输入, 辅导员首先会检查学生的课程表,以确保学生获得他们需要和想要的大学入学/毕业课程. 

What happens if I don’t pick my classes before the due date?
Your counselor gets to choose all of your classes for you!

Sometimes classes fill up or they just don’t work in your schedule.  Your alternate choices let the counselors know what your 2nd, 第三和第四种选择是为了让你得到你想要的课程,而不必在年初在辅导员办公室外排长队等候.

暂时选择一门选修课,并在你的选修课表上注明你明年想当助教. It will be your responsibility to get the TA form signed at the beginning of the year. Only 三年级和四年级的学生可以做助教.

What if I know I’m transferring or taking classes at Running Start?
反正你也得报名上课! 我们宁愿给你提供你想要的课程,然后在你搬家或参加跑步开始课程时把你拉出来.

如果我挂科了怎么办? Can I re-take it?
一般来说,你不能重修课程,需要在暑期学校补课.  带着问题去找你的辅导员.


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